Did you know that you can also get your ear pierced here?
And it’s completely safe with hypoallergenic steel earrings and even more wonderful earring motifs. The partner we work with is Studex.

Who is Studex?
Studex is an American company based in Los Angeles, California where all earrings and piercing equipment are also manufactured. They have been operating for over 40 years in more than 70 countries on 6 continents.
The European headquarters is located in Feldkirch, Austria.
All their products pass the highest controls, including European FDA standards.

Now that we have (hopefully) convinced you of the quality and safety, we can continue talking about the actual ear piercing.
● No announcement or appointment is required for ear piercing
● We prefer not to pierce the ears of children under 3 years of age.
Because earlobes grow up to the age of 3, which means that a perfectly pierced ear will no longer be the case as the earlobe will continue to develop. And we don’t want dissatisfied girls and women.
● Also, if the child refuses to cooperate and does not want to pierce the ear for any reason, we do not pierce it, no matter how much the parents would like it. We want happy and smiling children who make independent decisions and express their wishes.

● Earrings are paid for individually, not in pairs
● The ear piercing process is as follows:
- Disinfection of the earlobe with a disinfectant tissue
- Drawing a dot with a speical made felt-tip pen
- Ear piercing (when we agree that the place where the ear will be pierced is fine with you)

And what after the ear piercing?
- We recommend wearing meds for 5-6 weeks (they are so pretty and don’t look like meds at all so shouldn’t be a problem)
- Every day, twist the earring at least once a day so that it is nicely formed with holes
- When taking a shower, run clean water over the ear to wash away the liquid that will be created as a result of the piercing. Or octanisept if you want to disinfect.
- After 5-6 weeks, you can change the medics with some other earrings. We recommend gold, silver or steel, which you can find in our on-line store or in our branch, and you can find gold in our Zlatarnica Gerić or on the web shop https://zlatarnica-geric.hr
What is important to know is that dimples need up to 3-4 months to heal and remain formed, which means that if an earring falls out during that healing period, it is easy for the dimple to heal. It’s nothing terrible. It is necessary to allow 2-3 weeks for the villi to heal so that it can be pierced again.